Two on the Way by JWM Morgan

When I’m seventeen and we was going to high school in Oakland I get pregnant for the first time by Germain. He said it’s all good and he’s happy for us and he wants us to have our baby.

Somebody tells me Germain has this other girlfriend with a baby on the way. I phone Germain and tell him I found out about this other girlfriend with a baby on the way and we were through and he was going to have to help me with the baby we was going to have and I was not going to have no abortion. Cheryl, the other baby’s mother, found out about me having Germain’s baby on the way. She wants to fight. She said Germain is not my baby’s dad.

I told that bitch: You need to check your baby’s daddy not me, OK? ’Cause you was not in bed with me and Germain having sex with us.

Then Germain got in trouble and went to prison. He had twenty months to do.

I named my daughter Belle. Cheryl named her baby Little Germain to make me mad, thinking I was going to trip off her but I was not really tripping. That’s when Germain’s mom started loving Belle and brought over nighties and rattles and a cute little crib I put by my own bed in the house where I was still living with my mom. My own mom didn’t care about the baby and she didn’t care about Germain. She mostly didn’t care about nothing.

Germain phoned me and asked me to bring Belle to visit at the jail. I went and guess who was there, Cheryl and her stinky boy baby. Cheryl was very mad at me. She wanted to fight.

But I told her: I was not the one sleeping around on you, Germain was.

I went up first to see the liar and tell him about himself. I knew Germain was going to lie to me about Cheryl and her baby. You know how men lie.

I asked Germain: When you get out are you going to take care of your responsibilities or what?

Germain told me yes, he was going to be a dad to his babies. I told him how Cheryl wanted to fight me. He told me he would tell Cheryl to calm down.

I said: Yeah, you would want to calm the bitch down before I do.

When I passed by, Cheryl rolled her eyes at me like I had shit on me. But me and Belle just went on about our business.

Back at school, Cheryl was in class with me. I told her: We have to get along because our kids are brother and sister and I do not want you to be mean to my baby girl.

Now the kids are seventeen and Belle has her own boy baby on the way.

Germain and me get along really good. Cheryl still doesn’t like me. I don’t care about her anymore. I do know Germain’s mother is going to be a good great grandmother at forty- seven. She likes me and she loves my daughter, Belle, and she will love Belle’s baby boy.

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